
by wjw on April 4, 2024

I haven’t been visible much online because I’ve been buried up to my eye sockets in submissions for Taos Toolbox. Because of the weeks of radiation and other treatments last year, I was late in getting notices out, and as late as a couple weeks ago I was wondering if we’d get enough applications to keep the workshop in the black. (I run this workshop for a lot of reasons, but losing money isn’t one of them.)

But with the 1 April deadline approaching, a tsunami of manila envelopes began to pour into the house, and along with Nancy Kress I’ve been reading myself crosseyed. There were many more applications than there were places available, and so a number of people will be disappointed, but Nancy and I will have a lot of talented new writers to choose from, so that’s all to the good.

Today was Freedom Day, as I’ve finally read the last few applications. Tomorrow Kathy and I will be heading east to view the solar eclipse, and Nancy and I will be in communication to decide who to accept.

Next weekend is the Jack Williamson Lecture in Portales, and as usual I’ll be attending. So I’ll be very busy the first half of April, and afterwards have a few weeks breathing space before the Era of Workshops begins.

No one can claim that 2024 isn’t a productive year for me.

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