This is the best picture I got of 2024’s solar eclipse, taken by focusing the camera directly into the eyepiece of Kathy’s Astroscan telescope.
What followed was disappointing, because the actual eclipse was clouded out. Totality nevertheless remained impressive, as the moon’s shadow descended with amazing speed. If I were a neolithic tribesman I would have been terrified. The not-quite-night lasted less than four minutes, and then the rooster started to salute the new dawn.
Where were you at that it got clouded out? Friends and myself traveled to just NW of Austin and the clouds broke at exactly the right time. We were planning on going SW of San Antonio, but the cloud forecast was worse, so we gambled and headed north instead. We were wondering if we made the right decision.
We were also NW of Austin, in Fredericksburg. Whether you got clouded out or not was pretty much a matter of chance. We had beautiful weather until we didn’t.
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