P/r/e/o/r/d/e/r Now!

by wjw on January 25, 2020


The audio book of Quillifer the Knight is no longer available for pre-order, because it’s just plain available!

It’s narrated by the wonderful Ralph Lister, who narrated the first book in the series.  Give yourself a treat, and have a listen.

(Also, I note that they’ve got my names in the wrong order.  Ignore that. You know who I am.)

Etaoin Shrdlu January 26, 2020 at 5:53 am

Yeah right, Wilhelm von Walters, aka Hong Shuei Leung.

Clyde January 30, 2020 at 9:10 pm

Got it. Doing the ebook/audio book switcheroo thing.

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