Normal Programming Will Be Resumed Shortly
by wjw on July 1, 2018
Taos Toolbox 2018 is over. I drove Nancy Kress to the airport this morning, then went home, enjoyed the air conditioning for a while, and promptly sacked out.
Here’s a photo— actually from last week— of us taking guest speaker Carrie Vaughn out for some of the local cuisine.
We didn’t get burned up in a forest fire, and we critiqued about 300,000 words of fiction, delivered 18 lectures, and hosted three guests. About halfway through this last week I began to feel my mind turning to Cream o’ Wheat, and I was probably not at my best during the final critiques. Nevertheless I soldiered on.
Plus, our mascot turned up.

It’s always a good year when Mr Shaggy makes an appearance, and this year was no exception. The participant were talented, they learned a lot, they worked with each other on their fiction, and you’re going to be hearing from them soon.
Now that I’m home, I find myself experiencing a degree of restless anxiety, which I subsequently realized was unease on account of my not having done today’s critiques. It will be some time before my nervous system realizes that I no longer have to do critiques at all.
But there’s plenty of work that has to be done other than critiques, and I’d better get busy with that.
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I had that same “Oh no, I haven’t done today’s reading!” anxiety. Mush-brain solidarity. 🙂
Nice doggie!
Next to the final-exam-and-I-haven’t-attended-class-all-semester there’s the I’ve-been-working-all-month-but-forgot-to-record-my-hours-for-billing. Oops, thankfully it’s only a dream.
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