A Nebula Nomination Could Soon Be Yours!

by wjw on February 19, 2010

The Science Fiction Writers of America have released the list of this year’s Nebula nominees. And you know what’s the second thing* I noticed about it?

Two of the nominees in the short story category— Will McIntosh and friend-of-the-blog Saladin Ahmed— are graduates of my Taos Toolbox workshop!

Amazingly enough, there is still room available in this year’s workshop! Just click the link, and Nebula glory may soon be yours!

*The first thing I noticed about the list was that I am not on it, which is like totally you guys’ fault. I write the genius, but do you pick it up?
Oz February 20, 2010 at 2:14 am

Those were my thoughts exactly. 1) I'm not on the list; and 2) wow, go to TT and boost your chances of being nominated for a Nebula!


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