Fleet Elements Gets a Star

August 28, 2020

Fleet Elements, the next book in my Praxis series, got a starred review from Publishers Weekly. So don’t just take my word for it, we have independent testimony that this book is solid. It still won’t be available till December, unfortunately.  But you can pre-order at your favorite bookstore.  Fleet Elements Walter Jon Williams. Harper Voyager, $16.99 […]

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Bubonicon Online

August 26, 2020

Our local SF convention, Bubonicon 52, was scheduled for this coming weekend, but was canceled on account of the pandemic.  But this Saturday, August 29, there will be a virtual Bubonicon complete with guest of honor Keith R.A. Decandidio, toastmaster A. Lee Martinez, artist guest Chaz Kemp, and many many more, including yours truly. UPDATE: […]

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California Burning (Again)

August 20, 2020

Here’s tonight’s sunset, as viewed through a smoky murk blown all the way from California’s wildfires.  We’ve been breathing the stuff for weeks, but this is the worst it’s been.

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Mad Science

August 19, 2020

Just before lockdown in March, the Albuquerque Museum had an exhibition devoted to the Muppets. Here we see Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant Beaker in a typical pose.

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Launching Today

August 15, 2020

My sometime student Susan Forest has published the second book in her Addicted to Heaven YA series, Flights of Marigolds.  (The first was Bursts of Fire.) The book launches today— which happens to be the day that Susan won the Aurora Award for best YA! I’d say she’s having a good weekend. “A definite twist to the […]

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Praxis Price Point

August 12, 2020

I’m not sure who arranged this, but The Praxis is available today on ebookdaily.com for $1.99. UPDATE: The ebook is on sale everywhere for $1.99.  I don’t know how long this will last, so buy while you can! Why do people not tell me when these sorts of things are going to happen?

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So Then This Strange Thing Happened

August 8, 2020

As I mentioned in a reply to a previous post, my eye surgery went very well. It had, however, an unanticipated consequence.  (I’m getting used to unanticipated consequences where medical procedures are concerned.) When I had cataract surgery in my left eye in 2014, I asked for a closeup lens.  I’d worn monovision contact lenses […]

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Evil High Priestess Still Popular

August 2, 2020

I just got a note from Google, which keeps track of everything, to inform me that the most popular page on my blog is a 2012 post about Madonna being the High Priest of Satan. It’s good to be remembered, but I hadn’t thought it would be for this.

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Virtual Worldcon

July 31, 2020

Despite the odd technical glitch, I’ve been enjoying the world’s first virtual worldcon.  It’s a very science fiction-y thing, meeting and seeing friends scattered over the States via a server in New Zealand. I’ve had a good time on my panels, and my reading (from Fleet Elements) seemed to be well-received.  (I think I had more […]

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Don’t Blink

July 27, 2020

So the good news is that the paella was much better on the second try.  Jasmine rice was surprisingly good with the dish. The bad news is that early Monday I’m having eye surgery.  Keep your fingers crossed.

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