The Word From Annie

October 11, 2020

Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester, MA, has kindly offered me an Author’s Spotlight Interview. Annie rejoices in the slogan “The little bookstore that’s bigger on the inside,” so they very likely have what you want.  Please consider Annie’s for all your bookshop needs.

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Sanity Trip

October 9, 2020

I badly needed a sanity trip, so I drove to the Ski Valley and checked into a condo.  I’ll be alone up here for several days, self-isolating in nature.  I may meet some folks on the trails or whatever, but I’ve got a mask for that. As for why I needed this trip, just look […]

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On Sale Now!

October 3, 2020

I am reliably informed that the ebooks of Conventions of War and The Accidental War are both on sale for $2.99 for the month of October, more or less everywhere that ebooks may be found. Click!  Read!  Enjoy!  

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Another Fine Review

September 26, 2020

The Nerd Daily posted a fine review of Fleet Elements. With a pace that is faster than light, Walter Jon Williams’s fifth book in the Dread Empire’s Fall series, Fleet Elements is a space opera that doesn’t disappoint . . .  great soap opera science fiction, full of gung ho rebels trying to save themselves, with […]

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Back on the Keyboard

September 24, 2020

I haven’t been visible on social media in the last week because my MacBook Pro was off in the shop.  The keyboard had (mostly) held together through the completion of Lord Quillifer, but was clearly on its last legs, so off to the Genius Bar I went. Fortunately the butterfly-switch keyboard on my machine had generated such […]

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A Few Good Things

September 17, 2020

First, I finished Lord Quillifer in the early hours of the morning, and sent it on to my editor and my agent.  I was so afraid that the project would be Dance with Dragons-sized that I’d stopped doing word counts for the last ten chapters or so, but when I finally added them up, the book turned […]

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Final Sprint

September 11, 2020

I feel as if I’ve been sprinting to the finish of Lord Quillifer forever.  Up till now, with every page I added, the finale seemed to have receded farther out of sight, but now I think I’ve got a handle on it.  I’ve written the last big action scene, I’ve written the last big revelation scene, […]

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And Now . . . Winter!

September 9, 2020

The big storm struck as predicted, and the temperature dropped nearly 50 degrees overnight, complete with hours of heavy freezing rain.  We didn’t get any snow, but Colorado got quite a bit. Yesterday the high was in the 90s and the air conditioner was going all day.  Today I had to light the boiler so […]

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After A Quarter Century

September 7, 2020

The Wild Cards anthology Dealer’s Choice is back in print after 25 years.  Normally I’d say “I have a story in it,” but Dealer’s Choice is a braided novel, a single narrative written by several authors, and one of the braids is mine.

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Gang Agley

August 30, 2020

Last night’s edition of “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me,” the NPR news quiz, featured a story that I wasn’t prepared to believe, involving the Scots Wikipedia, in which I wasn’t prepared to believe either.  It seems there is an attempt to render the contents of Wikipedia in the Scots language (as opposed to Scots Gaelic, which […]

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