
February 15, 2021

Hey, it’s Mardi Gras time, and there’s no better way to lighten your lockdown spirits than to get down with some fine New Orleans music! First up, get your buzz on with “If You’re a Viper” by Kermit Ruffins and the BBQ Swingers, part of the Jam in the Van series. Next up, it’s Trombone Shorty […]

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To Be Seen

February 10, 2021

It’s a busy weekend hereabouts.  First up on Thursday night, 8:30 Eastern Standard Time, I’ll be interviewed live on Youtube by Matthew Yancik, where I’ll tell stories about RPGs and the creative process. Here’s your link. The rest of the weekend will be spent at (virtual) Boskone, where I will appear on quite a lot […]

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Onward and Backward

February 5, 2021

Back in the days of my youth, optical astronomy was done with telescopes, and the sky recorded on dry glass plates.  Starting in the 1890s, millions of glass plates were viewed, then stored in archives throughout the world.  They’ve been largely ignored in the years since— there are so many, where do you start?  Yet […]

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Giza Cat

February 3, 2021

Behold our cat Mocha contemplating the Pyramids. Dish Network is for some reason devoting Channel 100 to a digital re-creation of Giza in the 1920s.  The camera never moves, and mostly nothing happens in the image, except that every so often a biplane might fly into the picture, circle the pyramids a couple times, and […]

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More Chat

January 29, 2021

I am interviewed by Mike Glyer in File 770.  This was posted last month but I didn’t see it till now.

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Interestingly Various

January 26, 2021

Mr. Russell Letson has reviewed The Best of Walter Jon Williams. I’m a terribly modest fellow, as I’m sure you know, so I won’t quote the whole review, but only a couple salient excerpts. Exactly 30 years ago, this column’s lede was “Walter Jon Williams is an interest­ingly various writer….” The intervening decades have given me […]

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January 24, 2021

I recently found an old pocket notebook with four carefully numbered entries. 1.  Larod (?) not major (?) 2. Lament 3. Beast 4. Tune The first line is my best guess.  It might be “Earon not manor,” or any combination of the two possibilities. I’m guessing these aren’t updates on the status of my psyche, […]

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The Hogfather Approves

January 22, 2021

Instead of continuing in my normal course of cynicism and gloom, I thought I would celebrate the detectible and growing spirit of optimism in our world by showing this video of Hogmanay in Edinburgh. Since Hogmanay is what non-Gaels call “New Year’s Day,” I’m posting a few weeks late, but my friend Louy only sent […]

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January 7, 2021

So after watching the US Capitol stormed by a hostile force for the first time since the War of 1812, and after hearing reporters bleating out their catchphrase, “Who could have predicted this? (usually employed when something happens that is completely predictable), I bethought myself of an article I first read in November of 2019, which […]

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The Frog. In the Pool.

January 4, 2021

The copyright of The Great Gatsby expired on the first of the year, so now it (and other classic works) have entered public domain.  Go forth and make your revisionist art, creators!  The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg are upon you! But what no one expected was a groundswell of fans demanding a new Gatsby film starring […]

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