Generous Review

March 3, 2021

Paul Di Filippo reviews The Best of Walter Jon Williams.  Your takeaway: Emerging from a deep dive into this truly entertaining treasure chest of riches, the reader immediately has several reactions. First, although Williams’s range of topics is immense, every story emerges from that core template of speculative fiction: assume a novum, extrapolate logically. There are […]

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Not A Leg

March 1, 2021

I asked the market to give me a leg of lamb, but they gave me a pork roast instead.  So when life gives you a pork roast . . . I’m sure you can finish this sentence on your own. I decided to cook it sous vide, because sous vide cooks the food exactly the […]

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It’s Here! (Apparently)

February 28, 2021

I’m told that The Best of Walter Jon Williams has started shipping after being delayed a few months by problems at the printer.  It was originally supposed to be out in time for the holidays, and when it was delayed to February I thought it might do very well for a Valentine’s present, but Valentine’s has […]

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Statuette Time

February 27, 2021

Hey, wanna give me an award? Nominations for the Hugo are open, though you have to be a member of either this year’s Worldcon or last year’s New Zealand world con in order to vote. Nominations for the Nebula are also open, though only for the next 24 hours or so, and you can nominate […]

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Another Shot

February 26, 2021

We are now a mixed family.  I have the Pfizer shot, and Kathy’s got the Moderna. This morning I was involved in a lengthy series of texts with a friend, and the home phone rang, with SOCORRO MEDICAL very large in the Caller ID slot, so I answered. Was I Kathleen Hedges? they wanted to […]

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I Am Shot

February 25, 2021

Got my first COVID shot today. It was a drive-through, all I had to do was hang my shoulder out the car window to get my jab. Then I was obliged to wait 15 minutes in the parking lot to see whether or not I passed out. I didn’t, and so got on the road […]

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My Mask Policy

February 25, 2021

We had no sooner crossed the New Mexico border than a text appeared on my phone telling me that my COVID vaccine awaited me.  So tomorrow I get Jab #1, which I expect will reduce my sense of anxiety. Since returning home I’ve mainly been trying to get my head into the right time zone. […]

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Peace and Pest

February 22, 2021

A photo taken from the front porch of our AirBnB near Lonoke (rhymes with Polk), AK.  It was a two-bedroom farmhouse with a generously-sized living room, a working kitchen, and a round King Arthur-sized dining table.  And we had it all to ourselves! And there was Internet.  There is nothing better than a farmhouse with […]

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Desperate Journey

February 21, 2021

Here you see the Parthenon in snow. If you’ve been paying attention to the international news, you’ll know that Greece and many parts of the Mediterranean have been hit with arctic cold this season about the same time that Texas was, and you may have seen pictures of the Parthenon standing there in a snowfield. […]

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Sixty Years

February 17, 2021

In preparation for this year’s Chinese and American landings, the BBC offers an enlightening video of the last 60 years of Mars landings.

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