When Dacron Polyester Walked the Earth

May 26, 2021

I believe the announcer is Don LaFontaine, known as “The Voice of God,” famous for narrating countless film trailers that began, “In a world where . . . ” Since he died, film trailers have almost stopped using narrators entirely. Apparently he couldn’t be replaced

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Too Long a Vacation

May 24, 2021

Since I’m vaccinated and the world is opening up again, I’m busy trying to tick off all the items on my to-do list that were delayed by the pandemic. And I’m not getting a lot of help. I think that people who have been in lockdown have just forgotten how to do their jobs. The […]

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Part Two

May 24, 2021

Part II of my story “Incarnation Day” is now available in the latest edition of Galaxy’s Edge. If you’ve already got a copy of my story, check out the other writers in this issue, which is clearly topped up with talent.

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#Disney Still Must Pay

May 12, 2021

The Disney story hits the Hollywood Reporter. I am quoted.

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May 12, 2021

The horizon has grown wider and brighter since I had my COVID shots, with my life regaining some of its former zest, with meetings and meals with friends, and more opportunities for social interaction that don’t involve Zoom calls and social media. What surprises me is that it all seems harder than it was. I’ve […]

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May 9, 2021

It’s Mother’s Day here in the States, so for your enjoyment I present a photo of my mother in conversation with our parakeet, Mr. Chips. I perceive the ornaments of a Christmas tree shining in the lower right of the photo. So many of my old pictures seem to be taken around the holidays, so […]

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Let Disney Pay

May 6, 2021

Better cover the eyes of the children, because I’m about to write something bad about Disney. Which is that they’re withholding payments from writers from spurious reasons. (Full disclosure: I may be one of these writers.) Twenty or so years ago I wrote a Star Wars tie-in novel called Destiny’s Way. It was published in […]

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Kitty vs. Kaiju

April 26, 2021

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Dish Network is devoting a single channel to (mostly) relaxing views of some countryside or other. February showed a view of the Giza plateau in the 1920s, which our cat Mocha found quite fascinating. Presumably in honor of St. Paddy’s Day, March was a view of an Irish […]

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On the Virtual Llano

April 22, 2021

Around this time of year I’m normally found in the town of Portales, on the Llano Estecado in southeast New Mexico, where I regularly attend the Jack Williamson Lectureship. Due to COVID the Lectureship is being held in cyberspace this year, mostly on Friday, 23 April. The guest speakers are James Patrick Kelly and Hugo-nominated […]

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April 19, 2021

Things have been mad busy in the last couple weeks, which accounts for my not posting much here. This is almost purely the result of my COVID vaccinations, which are allowing me to take care of all the business I’ve been postponing for, well, a year. I’ve dealt with a lot of my backlist, and […]

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