First to Die

August 21, 2021

So a few years ago we booked a hotel online in Rennes. Though this wasn’t obvious from the online site, the hotel was brand-new, and sat in a half-completed industrial park just outside the city proper. The street it was on was so new that it wasn’t to be found on any map. We had […]

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I Am Dragon’d

August 14, 2021

Fleet Elements has been nominated for a Dragon Award, given at Dragoncon in Atlanta over Labor Day Weekend. It’s been nominated in the Military SF category, which I suppose ends the discussion over whether the Praxis series is MilSF at all. I’ve always maintained the book isn’t about the military, but about people who happen […]

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Reviews in the Nick of Time: The Green Knight

August 13, 2021

The Green Knight is a film that makes absolutely no sense, but the nifty thing is that it makes no sense in exactly the way that medieval romance made no sense. The characters live in a liminal world. Miracles happen all the time, sorcery is common, magical objects clutter every cupboard, prophetic dreams descend on […]

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Electric Boogaloo

August 8, 2021

I had all sorts of pleasant things to post here, about the Colorado trip and some other things, but then my electric fixtures began to act up, and it’s using up all my energy. The day after the return from our trip, the air conditioner died, and will need to be replaced. Unfortunately it will […]

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Thin Air

August 3, 2021

Our week-long trip to Colorado is over, and now that I’m back, I can’t help but feel this vacation was a little too much work. The plan of driving somewhere new (nearly) every day was too busy. We should have chosen a base or two and stayed there for a few days at a time. […]

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July 28, 2021

An excellent suggestion from the closed movie theater in Center, CO.

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Local Green

July 26, 2021

So the sign on the hotel door read NO SMOKING OF ANYTHING INSIDE! “Hmm,” I thought to myself. “I must be in Colorado.” We are on our first trip out of state since August 2019, cruising up central Colorado to Steamboat Springs and back, magnificent scenery all the way, cool temperatures, and signs of a […]

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Sun and Smoke

July 21, 2021

The other day we meandered down to Belen to view a work by the artist Judy Chicago. She and her husband moved to Belen some years ago and bought an old brick railroad hotel. They live in part of the hotel, and use the rest to store art. (Since Chicago tends to go in for […]

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Foot of the Bow

July 17, 2021

I apologize for the poor quality of this photo, but I shot in through the screen, in some haste to capture the image before it vanished. If you observe the rainbow from today’s cloudburst, you’ll see it stretches all the way to the ground in front of the treeline. The rainbow actually touches ground a […]

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Rain, Glorious Rain

July 11, 2021

Of the last fifteen days, fourteen have featured rain of some sort, anywhere from a light drizzle to an hours-long thundershower. The monsoons came a month early, and it’s been glorious. New Mexico normally receives half its yearly rainfall in July and August, as big brawling Pacific summer storms battle their way across all of […]

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