
May 28, 2023

A monument to the inventor of the minidress.

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May 27, 2023

A sight of St. John’s cathedral in Valetta is enough to sear the eyes right out of your skull. The style adopted for the interior was Go-For-Baroque, with enough gold, marble, and brilliant color to rival a fever dream of John of Patmos (as opposed to John the Baptist, for whom the cathedral is actually […]

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Behind the Walls

May 26, 2023

First, an update. Kathy’s finally come home after 13 days in COVID jail in a hotel room in Malta. And I’ve got a cold, which tests insist isn’t COVID, so two cheers for me. But enough of the depressing stuff. Let’s talk about the good things. We spent a few days on Malta before Kathy […]

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Well Damn

May 25, 2023

The world has lost Tina Turner. She had a career that lasted over 50 years and even in the new millennium she was still one of the hardest-working acts in the business. (She danced for how many hours? And in those heels?) Here she is at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989, […]

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Worst. Trip. Ever.

May 19, 2023

After 24 hours in planes and airports I’ve returned from the Med, jetlagged, miserable, in considerable pain, and without Kathy. This trip sucked. Bad luck struck on my first day in Valetta, when I tripped on a marble stair and seriously damaged my right knee. The heavy frames on my sunglasses blocked my view of […]

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Cast Ashore

May 8, 2023

So after 30 hours in airports and aircrafts, we finally washed up on the shores of Malta.   Here is a photo of Valetta Harbor at night, taken from our hotel. Valetta was named after Jean Parisot de la Valette, Grand Master of the Knights of St. John, who defended the island during the Ottoman siege. […]

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May 6, 2023

There’s an indescribable something about being stuck somewhere, waiting for the plane to arrive, and having nothing to watch but a horror film which I thought at first was Invasion of the Frog-Faced Chinless People, but which turned out to be the coronation of Charles III of the United Kingdom. I am not by any […]

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Malta Bound

May 5, 2023

In just a few hours we’re going to be flying off for another archaeo-maritime adventure. After something like 20 hours in planes and airports, we’ll arrive on the island republic of Malta. After a couple days to recover from jet lag, we’ll be getting on a smallish boat to visit Tangier and circumnavigate Sicily. As […]

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May 5, 2023

So the other night I had some friends over for a Spring Feast. Starters were cappelletti stuffed with chicken, cheese, and herbs, served with a lemon-cream sauce and asparagus. Chief protein was sous vide leg of lamb, served with a chickpea salad with vegetables, herbs, and mint. Dessert we never got to. Too full even […]

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May 1, 2023

You know how the Internet allows you to dive deep on some weird, forgotten subject? I’ve fallen victim to the deep dive syndrome more than once, diving on turnspit dogs, Venetian galleys, Bobbitt worms, and Anglo-Saxon kings. It’s all by way of wasting time while pretending to educate yourself. The latest quest was a result […]

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