November 5, 2023

Well. Got that off my chest, anyway. Last spring I received a diagnosis perhaps best expressed as a good news/bad news joke. THE BAD NEWS: You have cancer. THE GOOD NEWS: It’s in your prostate! Yay! Yay? Well yes. Prostate cancer is the only cancer that can be detected with a blood test, which means […]

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November 1, 2023

The rollicking Extended Birthday Party, otherwise known as World Fantasy Con 2023, has come to an end, and I’m home trying to pick up the threads of my actual life. Here I am on the mezzanine, with brilliant ideas forming over my head like little silver cannon balls. The convention was wonderful, certainly the best […]

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World Fantasy Schedule

October 24, 2023

I’ll be spending the weekend in Kansas City, at the World Fantasy Convention. I’m on a couple programming, items, so if you want to see me, here’s where I’ll be. READING 3:30PM Thursday, Chouteau Room A (I’ll be reading from Heaven in Flames, the third Metropolitan book, so if you’re into that series, you might […]

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Birthday Surprise

October 19, 2023

It’s not my birthday today, but it’s close enough for a celebration, and so we met with some of our friends at the Apothecary Bar for drinks and snacks and good conversation. The invitation mentioned that no presents were necessary, but some people always ignore that. Terry and Jim gave me a special bottle of […]

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Mysteries of Mylar

October 18, 2023

Here is Saturday’s partially eclipsed sun as viewed amid a series of bright floating objects, obviously alien in origin. What happened (I think) was that I had a mylar sun filter on my camera, and a stray beam of light got into the filter and was shining on the mylar from behind. This may serve […]

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Days in the Life

October 17, 2023

A friend in Tel Aviv sent this. The family is Ok. However, some in the wider circle , we lost people. And many are called to active service. Here in Tel-Aviv we are relatively safe. As a military observer you would find it interesting to see how we adapted to at least 3-5 rocket attacks […]

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October 14, 2023

Thanks to Nan Silvernail for hosting an excellent eclipse party this morning, complete with a fine buffet and jujubes pie. Pleasant snacks and pleasant chat while a cosmic event took place above our heads, reminding us all to keep looking up.

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Luck Storm

October 12, 2023

This week I’ve been the victim of a bad luck storm, demonstrating that I shouldn’t be around animals, electronics, or machinery. Sunday I got bit by a dog. A woman was walking her two dogs in the park, and I passed them at a respectful distance. Then the smaller dog came at me like a […]

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I Bitch Nicely France

October 10, 2023

When I mentioned in the last post that The Green Leopard Plague was reviewed in Le Monde, loyal reader Guillaume Jay retrieved the (rather short) review from the Bibliotek National, along with another, more comprehensive review from Liberátion, a translation of which I append below. I used Google Translate, which broke the text into about 100 paragraphs, mostly […]

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Still the Beste Peste

October 9, 2023

Jean-Daniel’s translation of “The Green Leopard Plague” was reviewed in Le Monde on the 7th. I am beginning to be impressed by myself. It was behind a paywall, so I don’t know what it said. If any of you have an online subscription, could you copy it and send it my way?

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