Four To Go

December 16, 2023

After five weeks of nearly-daily radiation treatments, I finally hit the wall yesterday. I had my treatment in the morning, had some Wor Wonton soup for lunch, then had a session with my physical therapist. Then I drove home and was out for the count. I crashed, got up to help Kathy with the lovely […]

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Happy Birthday, Ludwig Van!

December 16, 2023
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Imperium Restored (and Cheaply)

December 10, 2023

My latest ebook is on sale for $1.98! And in multiple places! IMPERIUM RESTORED is discounted on HarperCollins’ site on the 10th and 11th of December. It’s also on offer with Amazon Gold Box beginning on the 10th. I don’t have an end date for the Amazon promotion, but it may last only the one […]

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Not Charging

December 7, 2023

The day started with my car crapping out due to a broken starter. So the rest of the day consisted of me waiting for AAA to try to start the car, then calling local garages to see where I could get it fixed, then finding out the earliest anyone could take it was Tuesday. Because […]

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December 2, 2023

I have lain in the embrace of Mr. Zappy 14 times now, which means I’m now more than halfway through the 26 radiation treatments in my program. I have to say it’s been trouble free. The side effects have been minor, verging on negligible. The worst is that I’m tired all the time. My naps […]

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Meet Mr. Zappy

November 23, 2023

Here’s the machine I visit most mornings to get zapped with x-rays. (I’ve had nine treatments so far, seventeen to go.) I lie on the gurney-thingie in the lower right, and am rolled more less into the middle of the array, after which I am orbited by scanners and projectors and some things which I […]

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Distant Voice

November 18, 2023

Looking through some boxes I discovered a partial I wrote nearly 50 years ago. My agent sent it back, saying it needed a rethink. Glancing through it, I’m thinking it’s overwritten. Which won’t stop me from enjoying reading this message from my younger self.

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Meet Mr. Photon

November 14, 2023

Today was my first day of radiation. (25 to go) The machine was very large, but it was in a cavernous room, and when the machine was in operation, the operators scurried away to a control room behind their lead or concrete shields. The treatment room was called HOPE. My job was twofold. First, I […]

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November 12, 2023

Glancing through the latest offerings on Netflix, I came to the conclusion that Netflix has more shows and movies about fictional assassins than there ever were real assassins in all history.

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Happy 80th Birthday, Joni Mitchell!

November 8, 2023
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