London Broil!

by wjw on January 22, 2025

So what to do with a beef round roast? It’s tough, it’s very lean, and it can be kind of flavorless.

Yet roasts can be comfort food, and comfort is what I’d kind of like given recent events, which include freezing weather for the last week, and a tomorrow promised to remain below freezing all day.

So beef round? The traditional method is to braise the hell out of it, for a couple hours or so.

I decided to go another route. I marinated it overnight in a marinade of Worcestershire, soy, balsamic vinegar, garlic, mustard, and olive oil. Then I chucked it in the sous vide pot for eight hours at 133 degrees, after which I seared it on an ultra-hot pan.

So here you see the London Broil I produced. A lovely medium rare all the way through, and every bite tender. It still was lacking in flavor somewhat, but I could mitigate that by reducing the marinade and serving it as a sauce.

Served with sweet corn and Kathy’s sublime ginger and broccoli in soy sauce. And a double Malbec blend, one variety from 1100 meters, and the other from 700.

With this, who needs dessert?

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