
by wjw on July 29, 2024

Tomorrow I’m going to have eye surgery to remove a cellophane pucker in my left eye.

Go right ahead, make all the jokes you like.


The eye surgery was painless and as pleasant as these things can ever be. Afterward I was wheeled out into Kathy’s car and the ride home, where I crashed for about three hours.

Kathy came equipped with a bag of blueberry scones provided by our friend Nadine Pachanian, so that added some sweetness to the day.My left eye is swathed in bandages, but they’ll be removed tomorrow.

I keep thinking that any day I’m going to get a phone call from the insurance company. “We’re charging you with fraud. No one person could possibly have all the ailments you’re seeking treatments for.”

Well, I’ve got one less condition now. I prefer not to add up all the ones that remain.

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