On June 20, Amazon is raising the fees they charge for putting books in print. Which means that, if I want to continue making my pittance on print books, I’ll have to raise my retail price on the four books I have in print from Amazon: Hardwired, Voice of the Whirlwind, Angel Station, and Investments (plus the Stickpin).
I should make it clear that these are books in print, not ebooks. Ebook prices will stay the same.
You have only a few days to buy these books at their current prices. (I’ll probably raise my prices on Friday the 16th, but it depends on fitting it into a very busy schedule, so no promises.)
These books are also in print from Barnes & Noble, and even though B&N isn’t raising its fees, I’ll have to raise my prices to match Amazon.
So buy at current prices while you can, and happy reading!