James Davis Nicoll has made a favorable mention of Metropolitan in his Tor.com article “5 Sympathetic Science Fiction Bureaucrats.” My ambitious button-pushing heroine Aiah has finally got a bit of respect.
The article mentions only five bureaucrats, but the comments offer many more. It seems that SF might be more sympathetic to bureaucracy than you might think.
I lost a willpower battle last week and re-read Metropolitan and tried in vain to spot more than 2 Elton John references. Has anyone spotted anything besides Rocketman (a locale) and the Elton (a luxury vehicle)?
I uttered my usual “nooooo” when I got to the last page and saw there weren’t any more pages.
Metro is certainly in the running for my favorite WJW novel. Time for YA re-read? I even have a hc copy…. somewhere.
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