by wjw on January 22, 2022

Late on Day Five (Friday) I began to feel better, at least insofar as I wasn’t spending hours of every day coughing and sneezing and otherwise spending all my time battling the Phlegm Monster. Just as when I have a cold, the Phlegm Monster prowls from sunset to sunrise, keeping me awake and coughing and unable to sleep until— just as the sun tops the eastern horizon— the Monster quiets down and I can get a few hours’ rest.

Circadian rhythms can be annoying that way.

The Phlegm Monster was mostly asleep last night, and so was I. And when I rose, I went to my easy chair and promptly fell asleep for another couple hours.

I’m still aware that I’m ill, but there’s a definite sense that I’m getting better.

The one thing I’ll miss is that all the coughing gave me a deep, sexy voice, which I’ve never had. (One friend gallantly asked, “Did your balls just drop, or what?”)

Kathy’s returned from her trip, but I’m making her stay in a motel till I’m no longer contagious. She’s bringing in supplies later tonight, and I’ll pass her mail and clean clothing and such, and we’ll have a socially-distanced conversation in the carport.

Another night of decent rest, and I’ll feel almost human.

John F. MacMichael January 23, 2022 at 3:23 am

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

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