Here’s another treat from a Taos Toolbox veteran, due to be published in April 2022 by Lethe Press.
Christopher M. Cevasco has delved into history to write an ambitious, twisted tale about a Saxon woman called Godgyfu, but better known to us as Lady Godiva.
A darkly twisted psychological thriller exploring the legend of Lady Godiva’s naked ride
Having survived a grave illness to become one of 11th-century England’s wealthiest landowners, Godgyfu of Coventry remains forever grateful to the town whose patron saint worked such miracles. She vows to rebuild Coventry’s abbey and do all within her power to better the lives of its townsfolk. But the wider kingdom is descending into political turmoil, and her husband, Earl Leofric, starts to break under the strain. Godgyfu finds her own plans unravelling the moment she meets Thomas, a Benedictine novice with a dark secret. Three lives become dangerously entangled in a web of ambition, lust, and horrid obsession. Can Godgyfu escape the false monk’s wiles and Leofric’s betrayals to secure her future in a changing kingdom? Perhaps, but first she faces a dark test of wills leading her perilously closer to a legendary ride…
Sounds ideal for someone who happens to like, say, The Lion in Winter. (Which is pretty much everybody, I think.)