The Praxis Eternal

by wjw on October 26, 2021

I’ve delivered the next Praxis book to my editor at Harper, so yay. It doesn’t have an official title yet because that’s still under discussion. (Right now I’m calling it “The Nameless.”) Nor does it have a publication date, though I’m guessing it might appear around this time next year.

It will start right where Fleet Elements ended and continue from there.

You are at liberty to start salivating now.

Anonymous October 29, 2021 at 8:15 pm


Martin Hornsey November 8, 2021 at 8:23 am

I may have to re-read the series from the start again; this is the problem with reading books as they are written! I remember all the main plots and characters fine, but I barely remember stuff like Sempronia’s love life, so if the series is wrapping up I think it’s worth another run from the start. I might even invest in the “author’s preferred” editions.

Now, I believe that leaves only one important trilogy unfinished…. 🙂

wjw November 9, 2021 at 12:25 am

I have to read the entire series every time I write a new one, simply to remind myself of all the fiddly little bits I’ve forgotten.

The series isn’t wrapping up, but the three-book contract with Harper is done, and I’ll have to renegotiate if I want to sell them more.

As the the undone trilogy, stand by for an announcement.

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