Of the last fifteen days, fourteen have featured rain of some sort, anywhere from a light drizzle to an hours-long thundershower. The monsoons came a month early, and it’s been glorious.
New Mexico normally receives half its yearly rainfall in July and August, as big brawling Pacific summer storms battle their way across all of Mexico to dump the last of their rain on us, but the last few years the monsoons have come late, leaving my neighborhood sweltering in 100-degree plus heat, and me hiding in my air-conditioned house. When the monsoons came in two weeks ago, they came with a cold front, and for over a week I could venture outdoors and enjoy mild temperatures.
But gradually the temperatures crept upward, and despite a considerable rainfall yesterday evening, today’s high was 104, so now we have heat and humidity.
Nevertheless we really needed the rainfall. The snowpack was light last winter, and the reservoirs were running low and the Conservancy District was restricting the amount of irrigation people could take.
When the rains come, all New Mexico begins to dance. The deserts take on this eerie pale green color that I’ve never seen anywhere else. And it’s possible to go to sleep with the sound of rain pattering on the roof overhead, which for me is the most restful sleep possible.
Maybe it’s time for my nap.
Move to Georgia. It rains here in the summer especially almost every afternoon. 😁
My side of the mountains in WA hasn’t had appreciable rain since March and a stupid “heat dome,” so send some our way, please.
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