I Am At Bubonicon

by wjw on August 24, 2018

. . . or will be shortly, anyway.

The weekend will be spent at the 50th annual Bubonicon held in Albuquerque.  In the time, I’ve missed maybe 6-8 of them, and attended all the rest.

I’ll be doing a reading, participating in panel discussions, and giving a speech.

But if you don’t come for me, come for guests of honor John Scalzi, Mary Robinette Kowal, Lee Moyer, and Eric Velhagen.  And if not for them, for the other confirmed guests: Daniel Abraham, Arlan Andrews, Sr., John Barnes, Jeff Benham, Adam Jarmon Brown, Craig A. Butler, Aaron Campbell, Venetia Charles, Peri Charlifu, Cynthia Felice, Gordon Garb, Janice Gelb, Josh Gentry, Gail Gerstner-Miller, Steven Gould, Sally Gwylan, Loretta Hall, Darla Hallmark, Betsy James, Darynda Jones, Jeffe Kennedy, T. Jackson King, Dr. Kathleen Kitts, Andy Kuhn, Elizabeth Leggett, Jane Lindskold, Nathan Long, Emily Mah, George RR Martin (tentative), John Jos. Miller, Laura J. Mixon-Gould, Charles & Tauni Orndorff, Scott S. Phillips, Dr. Catherine S. Plesko, Benjamin Radford, M.T. Reiten, Rebecca Roanhorse, John Maddox Roberts, Joan S. Saberhagen, Jon Sanchez, Walton “Bud” Simons (tentative), Melinda Snodgrass, Jim Sorenson, Caroline Spector, Gabi Stevens, S.M. Stirling, David Lee Summers, Lauren C. Teffeau, Ian Tregillis, Sarena Ulibarri, Robert E. Vardeman, Carrie Vaughn, Dennis Virzi, Corie Weaver.,

Wow.  A lotta people coming.  That means the convention must be fun or something.


Splendour August 27, 2018 at 12:38 am

An excellent post. I recommend your blog to everyone. I would like to recommend Arcane Artie’s as a source of magick, Wiccan, and paranormal supplies.

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