Read Like a Dinosaur

by wjw on June 4, 2018

9780974161990_p0_v1_s550x406When I was out of town a new collection from Mad Cow Press arrived on my doorstep, a collection that features my story “Dinosaurs,” which was nominated for a Hugo Award.

From the title, A Fistful of Dinosaurs, you might guess what the collection is about, and if you have any doubts remaining, a glance at the cover should resolve them.

In addition to “Dinosaurs,” the story features “Think Like a Dinosaur” by James Patrick Kelly, and “If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love”— none of which, it must be admitted, have actual dinosaurs in them, but which instead feature our ideas about dinosaurs.

But there are plenty of perfectly genuine dinosaurs rampaging through the collection, provided by writers like Steve Rasnic Ten, Richard Chwedyk, Bruce Holland Rogers, Robert J Sawyer, Lou J Berger, Carol Emschwiller, Denise E Dora, Rebecca Hodgkins, Wayne Faust, Mario Acevedo, Kent Johnson, Lucy Taylor, and Jamie Ferguson.

The collection can be ordered from your favorite bookstore, so if you’re ready for some saw-toothed, flesh-rending action, you should definitely check this out.

Minx June 9, 2018 at 9:58 am

Dear Mr. Williams,

with the remake of Legend of the Galactic Heroes on right now, I’ve wanted to ask if you were inspired by the original show. I’ve noticed some parallels between it and the Praxis books.


wjw June 9, 2018 at 3:34 pm

I’ve never hear of Legend of the Galactic Heroes until this very moment.

The Praxis books took some inspiration from anime generally, particularly in the way the psychology of the characters is revealed by their reactions to landscapes and objects around them. (Sula, for example, is afraid of water, and panics whenever there’s open water in the scene, but I never tell that to the reader explicitly.)

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