Back to the Mississippi

by wjw on December 6, 2017

mississippi-rollA new Wild Cards shared worlds book (the twenty-fourth) has just appeared, Mississippi Roll, edited by George R.R. Martin and Melinda Snodgrass (who seems to be uncredited, at least on the cover).

I don’t have a story in this one, but you might find one or two of my characters involved in the action.

This may sound strange in regard to the twenty-fourth book of a series, but this one is actually a good place for a newcomer to start. It’s self-contained, all is explained, and it’s the first in an in-series trilogy called The American Triad.

And just in time for the holidays!

If you want a book signed by GRRM (you’ll have to chase the other authors down), you can find one at right here, and otherwise you should check at your friendly local bookstore, or at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and (for ebook only) all the other places you’d expect.


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