Sick of Being Sick
by wjw on November 23, 2016
So I’ve been sick now with the Trans-Pacific Plague now for two and a half weeks, and I’m tired out. While the Plague was at its height, I barely slept: I would start to cough about 1:30am and would then cough nonstop till around 5am, the sort of thing that can pretty well ruin a fellow’s sleep. The coughing has abated, but I’m still unable to focus well enough to work, or to do much of anything else.
I hope those of you celebrating Thanksgiving have a lovely day with food and friends. (I’ll be at home wrapped in blankets, maybe with a hot toddy if I’m lucky.)
While we wait for the last of the virii to be stamped out, please enjoy this picture of a baby lionfish I found on the Depth Charge Wreck.

Happy Thanksgiving, sir. And a speedy recovery to you as well.
Speedy recovery, and happy Thanksgiving to you too. Also, for future coughing events:
My experience with the stuff is that it works, especially the first time in a cold that I take it, but over time its effectiveness decreases. Your mileage may vary.
Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I know that something that keeps you from getting a decent night’s sleep adds a whole new layer of nasty to an already bad experience. Hope you feel better soon.
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