Iron Diver

by wjw on January 8, 2016

irondiverI am in port but not yet ashore, and will leave the boat early tomorrow to catch my 0900 flight home.

Here I am with my medal and certificate as an Iron Diver, for “completing all available dives” during my week aboard the Turks & Caicos Aggressor.   (That would be 26.)

They misspelled my name, but I’m used to that.

There were only two other Iron Divers aboard, and both were women my age.  Which leads me to ask: What’s the matter with the youth of today?

Please note that I’m flashing the same Satanic gang sign use by President Obama during his inaugural.



TRX January 10, 2016 at 12:15 am

Judging from what I notice, they seem to put all their efforts into skateboards…

Getting a diving cert would bore them to tears, and even if they managed to sit still long enough to get one, their first dive would end very shortly after they noticed their phone didn’t work under water.

Air is good to have, but cellular broadband is *critical*…

mearsk January 11, 2016 at 10:41 am

So would you say you were diving “Aggressively?”

wjw January 11, 2016 at 11:57 pm

I Aggress as often as possible. I hope to Aggress again sometime this year.

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