The Ursoid Cometh

by wjw on August 5, 2013

I’m pleased to report a visit from the mascot of Taos Toolbox, who appeared on the cliff above the lodge and gave us the once-over.

I’m pleased because every year we’ve had an ursoid visitor, the classes have been harmonious and were followed by an unusual number of sales.

One of which happened just yesterday.  Lawrence Schoen (Toolbox ’11) just sold a novel to Tor.  Could it be entirely a coincidence that in 2011 an ursoid loper happened by and gave the workshop its blessing?

[photo by Sonia Cook]

Patricia Mathews August 5, 2013 at 4:02 pm

I wonder if Old Man Honeypaws has a manuscript tucked under one furry arm? But yes, a very good omen.

Pat, now with Angel Station on the Kindle and a felt need to set up a Group labeled simply “Walter Jon Williams”.

Jim Strickland August 12, 2013 at 11:54 pm

Since you made this post, I’ve been wracking my brains trying to think if there was somehow one member of the 2011 crowd that I’d managed to entirely forget. It seemed unthinkable, and yet I had no memories of Schoen, the name, the photo, nothing. Fishing through his blog, I find that, in fact, he was part of the class of 2010, which certainly puts my mind at ease. 🙂

(Taos Toolbox Class of ’11)

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