My Ebooks Are Live At Baen!

by wjw on June 10, 2013

My various ebooks are now available at Baen Books, which I hope will help to find them a new audience.

You can click to them via the ebook page, or head straight for my index page at Baen.

Baen is also bundling some of my books into easy-to-click collections, including the Hardwired Bundle (Hardwired, Solip:System, Voice of the Whirlwind), the Maijstral Bundle (Crown Jewels, House of Shards, Rock of Ages), the Metropolitan Bundle (Metropolitan and City on Fire), the Novel Bundle (all the other SF novels), and the Short Fiction collection (Daddy’s World, Prayers on the Wind, Investments).

You don’t actually save any money by purchasing the bundles, but you save clicking them all individually, and you get lots of stuff in one handy file.

The historicals will be up soon.

It’s a Veritable Online Orgy of Meeeee!  Feel free to take part.


Paul Duncanson June 11, 2013 at 8:31 am

The Baen site should be great for putting your books in front of a new audience. For those of us shopping via your ebook store links what I would like to know, before I drop more cash on an e-vendor, is which puts more money in your pocket: Baen or Smashwords?

wjw June 11, 2013 at 5:04 pm

Smashwords offers the writer the best deal, but what I’m trying to offer the reader is convenience, so feel free to shop wherever it’s best for you.

Clyde Wisham June 12, 2013 at 7:53 am

Humm … I already got most of them from Smashwords. Perhaps I will pick up the short fiction bundle.

Mat E June 13, 2013 at 4:30 am

I ended up splurging on the E-book versions of the first 3 Wild Cards anthologies. I had the 1st issue paperbacks about a million years ago: I completely forgot how great the stories were, and how well each story tied into the others as a whole. My question though: Is there any chance that the “Frankensteins and Foreign Devils” book will be availiable in the future as an E-Book?

Lawrence M. Schoen June 15, 2013 at 1:02 am

I am eagerly awaiting the historicals. I think they’re the only novel-length work of yours that I haven’t been able to find.

Hooray for Baen’s ebooks!

wjw June 15, 2013 at 3:32 am

Mat, all the stories in “Frankensteins and Foreign Devils” will eventually be available online.

Lawrence, if you can’t wait for the historicals, they’re available elsewhere. Check my ebook page.

Mat E June 15, 2013 at 9:28 am

Walter, thank you for the info. I was a little bummed to find that only a few of the Bantam era Wild Cards books are available in E-Format. Hopefully more will trickle out soon. I’ve been hankering to read “Ace in the Hole” again, I love the Jack Braun redemption theme.
I think that I wasn’t alone in the enjoyment of your recollections of the writing process of some of your past works, are you ever going to share your memories of the Wild Card series production? I imagine that there must be some great stories about the writing process, given the talent of the contributors. I realized, re-reading those older works, how much I miss new stories from Zelazny.

Pat Patterson June 21, 2013 at 12:19 pm

So, does this mean you’ll get yer very own tavern in Baen’s Bar?

John Mueller June 25, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Just browsing new books at Baen ebooks and I saw the Privateers and Gentlemen bundle. These are right up the with the the best of Forester, Pope, and Kent. My copies have fallen apart so I have downloaded the bundle.
I first started reading nautical fiction because A.B. Chandler’s John Grimes SFbooks were said to be…”Hornblower in space…” That lead to Hornblower…Ramage…Bolitho… and your books were in the same section so I tried one and was hooked. BUT I started this from SF and I had no idea that you wrote SF. Now I have to decide what read after I finish Cat Island. (Are they Buggers?)

wjw June 26, 2013 at 4:03 am

Hey, thanks for the news and the kind words! I’ll start putting in the links . . .

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