Mighty Steroid Eyes

by wjw on February 22, 2013

My eyes are much better, thanks for asking.  (And thank you, everybody, for the kind inquiries.)  A couple days ago my doc gave me some steroid drops, presumably so that the muscles in my eyes would grow big and strong like Russian wrestlers.

At any rate, the light sensitivity and pain have both faded, if not disappeared entirely.  This morning, I was able to look out the window at the snow-covered fields and not fall screaming to the floor clutching my eyes.  Which, quite frankly, was getting a little tedious.

If you’ve sent me email in the last week, please have patience, I’m getting to them as fast as I can.

Mat E February 22, 2013 at 10:47 am

Its great to hear that your recovery is going better. I had the same procedure done five years ago: I grew tired of having to reach for reach for my glasses to see before I could get out of bed in the morning. I had a few speed bumps in my recovery as well, but I think that providing your healing proceeds you will be very happy that you had it done. Being able to be active without having to worry about being able to see is an absolute godsend. The first time that I was able to snorkle without a special prescription mask, or train at the dojo & see the front wall clearly made the discomfort worthwhile 🙂

Paul Weimer (@princejvstin) February 22, 2013 at 4:37 pm

Glad to hear, Walter!

Sara A. Mueller February 22, 2013 at 4:55 pm


John F. MacMichael February 23, 2013 at 12:58 am

Very happy to hear this! Hope you keep getting better (I certainly don’t want anything interfering with the productivity of one of my favorite writers).

Ralf The Dog. February 23, 2013 at 4:50 am

Steroidal anti inflammatories are cool! Just ask my allergies.

RTD’s commentary on the inheritance of allergies,

“Noses run in my family.”

TC/Writer Underground February 23, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Good news, though you’ve tainted your next novel; I’ll give it five stars in my Goodreads review, but I’ll be forced to add: “Great stuff, but I understand the author was on performance enhancing drugs when he wrote it. Five stars, but with an asterisk.”

Ralf The Dog. February 24, 2013 at 4:23 am

With your suffering, I expect your art to reach new levels. Don’t waste the suffering.


Shash February 24, 2013 at 4:45 am

Glad to hear your light tolerance is improving. Heal!

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