
by wjw on December 5, 2012

I landed in Cairns in the middle of a heat wave, with temperatures of 38 degrees Celsius.  Which, for those of you on Fahrenheit, is well past the temperature at which Walter melts.

So instead of venturing forth for adventure, I’ve been hiding in my hotel room, where there’s air conditioning, and only leaving for meals.  Hungrily wandering around Cairns, I found it a rather unimpressive tourist town, and then I noticed the vast swarm of large bats flying past.  So that was something I hadn’t seen before.

I’ll be leaving tomorrow for a week on a dive boat, with no internet.  So you’ll have to entertain yourselves for a while.

There’s always Youtube.


Paul A December 5, 2012 at 1:27 pm

I’ve been amused and entertained by your travels. Also – jealous. Cruiseships, eclipses, new zealand, …
But a mere 38C melting your bones. Surely sir, you are a-joking.
(I’m currently enjoying my 1 mont out of twelve of below 40C temp).

But then again, bats.

grs1961 December 6, 2012 at 9:14 am

38C – that’s not a heatwave, that’s just the tropics in December, you wuss!

Dave Bishop December 7, 2012 at 12:59 pm

I’ll swap you for damp, freezing Manchester any day!

Jerry December 13, 2012 at 4:22 am

Dear Mr. Williams,
I tried to send you a fan letter at the address enciphered under your “Contact” tab, but the mailer daemon bounced it back. The fan letter started off “My Autographed Copy of ‘Boolean Gate’ Just Arrived Today!” and went on from there. Well, I still have a copy of the fan letter, but I’d like you to have a copy, too. Suggestions?

wjw December 13, 2012 at 5:55 am

I =am=a wuss where the tropics are concerned. All my ancestors came from the Arctic Circle. I am not biologically suited to this climate.

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