Ho Ho Ho

by wjw on December 18, 2012














Behold!   It is the special Walter Jon Williams issue of Subterranean Magazine, which features not only my classic story “Surfacing” but my new novella “The Boolean Gate,” which you can now read for free.

(Which means that you don’t absolutely have to shell out the $38 for the signed, limited edition, though of course you ought, not only because it’s a collectible sure to rise in value but because t would make an absolutely wonderful holiday gift for that special someone, especially someone interested in Mark Twain, Nikola Tesla, or the secret history of the early 20th century, and because you can order it right here with scarcely any trouble at all, as well as in easy-to-find places like Amazon and B&N and so on.)

Plus there are stories by Steven Boyett and Conrad Williams.  So you can’t lose, can you?

Urban December 18, 2012 at 2:51 pm

I preordered The Boolean Gate from Amazon, but they cancelled the order because they couldn’t get hold of it.
Now it’s £14 for new and £30+ for used on Amazon but not by. I’ll try again.

Jim Strickland December 18, 2012 at 6:19 pm

Uh, Walter? your “right here” link doesn’t work. Also, congratulations! 🙂


wjw December 18, 2012 at 11:27 pm

The “right here” link is fixed.

It occurred to me that what with “special Walter Jon Williams issue” splashed over the JK Potter cover of “The Boolean Gate,” that people might think I looked like a particularly sinister version of Tesla.

Chris Mills December 19, 2012 at 1:14 am

My copy from Subterranean is waiting on the mantlepiece and I’m not allowed to read it until next week! 🙂

Ralf The Dog. December 19, 2012 at 1:59 am

Purchased the book due to the fact, it was not available in an E format. Next up, electronic form for free. Not that I mind paying for good books. (Internet rule: Feed trolls, no. Feed authors, yes!)

John Appel December 19, 2012 at 4:14 am

Got to enjoy my hardcopy with some hot chocolate last week. New life goal: to get you to deface it via personalization (along with my battered copy of “Hardwired”) in person.

Ralf The Dog. December 19, 2012 at 9:26 pm

I was just reading the book, ran into the phrase, “printer’s devil”, kept clicking on the paper to see the definition. Paper books don’t seem to work the same way their electronic brethren do.

I am currently trying to find the USB port, so I can recharge the book, before it runs out of power.

John Appel December 20, 2012 at 12:52 am

Ralf – good luck with that; the connectors are proprietary.

Mat E December 21, 2012 at 8:06 am

I was so happy reading this story that I tried unsuccessfully to explain to my wife why Mark Twain is so awesome.

Jerry December 24, 2012 at 9:29 pm

Dear Mr. Williams,

My signed and numbered copy of “The Boolean Gate” arrived a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been trying to send a fan letter to the transmogrified address listed in your “Contact” page, but it keeps bouncing back to me as undeliverable. I’ve tried “WJ at Walt…J…Willi….net,” “WalterJon at Etc,” “WJW at YouKnowTheRest,” and even “WJW at YouGuessedIt.” I have a copy of the fan letter; I’d like you to have a copy, too. Suggestions?

wjw December 24, 2012 at 9:43 pm

Hi Jerry,

I’m getting my other mail, so it’s not a problem on this end.

The address is “dubjay[at sign]walterjonwilliams.net.” You don’t have to work out what “dubjay” means, it just means “dubjay.”

Since I have to keep giving this address over the phone and personally to people, I really wish I’d picked something shorter.

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