In Which I Am Found In Various Places, All Awesome

by wjw on September 8, 2012

My Nebula-winning story “The Green Leopard Plague” can be found as the “e-book exclusive novella” in the current issue of Lightspeed Magazine.  You can’t just read the story online, you have to download it.

For those of you who haven’t read it, or for those who wish to read it again, this would seem to be your moment!  (Plus, you get all those other stories, too, by the likes of Elizabeth Bear, John Scalzi, Holly Black, and Adam-Troy Castro.)

Elsewhere on the web, I appear in a question on the blog of the off-center Tory blogger Andrew Sullivan (whose political stance, incidentally, I would view as “conservative but not barking”).   You have to click through a bunch of questions to get to the one that mentions me, and then you have to wait for the answer to appear, assuming that anyone cares to wait for however long it is.

Still, it’s nice to have one’s name dropped in interesting company.



John Appel September 9, 2012 at 3:11 am

Your fans have eclectic tastes. Or is it that you’ve got eclectic taste in fans?

Steve Chesney September 11, 2012 at 5:13 pm

Thank you for noting this.

I looked for Lightspeed and found I could subscribe for $1.99 a month on my Kindle. With a free trial — why not?

I recall the pleasure I got as a pre-teen each month when Galaxy would arrive at my local drug store. Maybe I can re-capture that a bit.

I like your story. Good read. And easier to read on the e-ink than the website. Thanks for that, too.

wjw September 11, 2012 at 9:33 pm

Steve, I thank you on behalf of the Lightspeed production staff, who are responsible for dealing with any readability issues.

Brian Renninger September 18, 2012 at 12:49 am

Speaking of references to yourself, there is a reference in Jon Peterson’s history of Dungeons and Dragons “Playing at the World” that mentions a Walter J. Williams. It is in reference to the Castle & Crusade Society and the year 1971. Is that you?

wjw September 18, 2012 at 2:09 am

Yeah, that’s me when I was a punk kid.

Brian Renninger September 18, 2012 at 2:50 pm

“Yeah, that’s me when I was a punk kid.”

Cool. I knew you were active in wargaming around that time.

I’m not finished with it yet but I’m enjoying Peterson’s book. It’s interesting learning some of the history of a time that I only missed by a few years but seems almost prehistoric in that there has been few of the details written up in a cohesive way.

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