Dead Soldiers

by wjw on June 4, 2012

Oh yeah.  We had fun.

And, if you read the previous post, you know this implies a lot of critique.

In addition to all the, um, critique, there was black roux gumbo, Louisiana boudin, slow-braised brisket, Moroccan chicken, linguine in ginger-garlic sauce, leg of lamb stuffed with mint pesto, and other goodies my brain is too staggered to recall, all washed down with lots of, um, critique.

Plus there were parties in the hot tub, late-night discussions of practically everything under the sun, hikes in the gorgeous mountains, and a couple games of Fiasco, a game that rewards plotting skills and might as well have been designed by writers.

And Taos Toolbox begins in just a week!  Time to get busy.

bta June 4, 2012 at 6:27 pm

Those are the empties outside your door (approx 32 as near as I can tell – though 2 still show caps/capsules)…. what did everyone else drink?

Still, shows there was some plucky work with the corkscrew taking place.

DensityDuck June 5, 2012 at 3:56 pm

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