Run Run Reinstall

by wjw on April 16, 2012

So I’ve finished the edit of Metropolitan, and I downloaded a surprisingly atmospheric and appropriate piece of art for the cover, and then when I tried to create the cover with Photoshop, Photoshop up and crashed on me.  And crashed again.  And kept on crashing.

So it’s now to the point where I de-install it, then re-install it.  Except that it’s telling me that I have to de-activate it before I can de-install it, and I can’t de-activate it, because in order to de-activate Photoshop, you have to actually run Photoshop, and my Photoshop won’t run.

So I’ll de-install and then re-install, and then I’ll probably be told that I can’t use it because of the activation problem, and then there will be a long phone call to some guy with a Tamil accent before I can get the problem sorted, assuming I can get the problem sorted at all.

I’m getting pretty good at prediction, don’t you think?


Ralf The Dog. April 16, 2012 at 4:55 am

This might be a faster, short term solution.

wjw April 16, 2012 at 5:36 am

Photoshop’s already reinstalled. Running ok. So far, so good.

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