The Return of Days of Atonement

by wjw on July 29, 2011

Just a little advanced glimpse of the cover for the forthcoming e-release of Days of Atonement.   One of my finer works, if I do say so myself.

Pat Mathews July 29, 2011 at 2:01 pm

So when will it be available and from whom? And what way gives you the best payoff?

Sean Craven July 29, 2011 at 5:04 pm

While the whole ebook situation has me feeling nervous, it’s good to see authors get to determine the availability of their back list.

I’ve said this to your face, but I’ll say it again — this is a genuinely good novel, and it deserves a readership outside the SF world. Glad to see it back.

Geoff July 30, 2011 at 12:58 am

Totally concur. Days of Atonement is one of my five favorite SF novels, and one of my five favorite mystery novels (a clerk in a (now-defunct) mystery bookstore recommended it to me). I’m happy I’ll be able to push an e-book on my friends instead of looking for second-hand copies to lend out.

wjw July 30, 2011 at 6:02 am

Pat, I’m hoping I’ll get it online in the next ten days or so. I’ve got some copy-editing to do, and then we begin the tedious business of converting the file into the various formats available and producing copy acceptable to the diverse vendors, all of whom have different standards.

Wha-fuckin’-hoo, is all I can say here.

Michael Mock July 31, 2011 at 4:29 am

You know, I just recently finished reading this (mainly because I just recently discovered its existence) and I really enjoyed it. It’s good to see the backlist become more easily available, especially for those of us who are late to the party.

Boomer August 2, 2011 at 1:47 am

Since the first time I read ‘Days’ (have read it a few times since!), I thought it would be a GREAT movie…anyone agree? WJW’s best stand alone novel, in my mind.

wjw August 3, 2011 at 9:27 pm

DoA damn near =was= a movie. It was optioned for a couple years, and there was one Thanksgiving weekend when every studio head in L.A. was reading my book. (Picture that!)

But they all agreed that a million-dollar screenwriter was needed to successfully translate the work to film, and my poor producer didn’t have a million bucks to spend on a screenplay. So I reluctantly took a whack at it for considerably less than a million bucks, and my own screenplay was not a success.

Joker January 12, 2012 at 11:05 pm

WJW – I’m a long time admirer of your stories, and I would happily do free covers for your books in return for free E-books:

Especially this one. I concur that it is one of your best. It is certainly a favourite of mine and it’s somewhere in my top 50 SF novels. Lent my copy to a friend and it never came back…

wjw January 16, 2012 at 1:49 am

Joker, we should talk.

Please feel free to email me.

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