
by wjw on January 25, 2011

The work is stacking up here at Wordy World, so I’ve decided to entertain you simply by linking to cool stuff.  (This classic web log approach seems to work well for Cory Doctorow and his friends.)

Item #1 features the belated release of NASA’s (and the world’s) first ultra-thin solar sail.

Item #2 tells you why you shouldn’t play “Wolf Pack” with a bunch of six-year-olds.

Item #3 tells you why life is sweet right now for Mark Twain impersonators.

And here’s Item #4, the brilliant video prank played on Belgium’s phone company by a group of people fed up with its poor customer service.

Mastadge January 25, 2011 at 11:41 pm

A nice prank. Would have been much better if they’d managed to waste 3+ hours of someone’s time a little higher up the food chain than the security guy though.

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