
by wjw on August 26, 2010

I’ll be spending the weekend at Bubonicon 42, billed as the answer to Life, the Universe & Everything.

Joining me at New Mexico’s largest and most venerable SF convention will be GoHs Peter David, Mario Acevedo, and Sarah Clemens.  Also attending will be mascot Perry Rodent (pictured).

I’ll be reading from Deep State on Friday night, and otherwise participating in panels, signings, and parties.

Y’all come.  (And bring a towel.)

Ralf the Dog August 27, 2010 at 1:36 am

Dude, your name was last on the list of guests. Next time ask for reverse alphabetical order!

Bruce Arthurs August 27, 2010 at 4:34 am

*sigh* A combination of finances and commitments kept Hilde and me from getting to Bubonicon this year. (Again, dammit. This is like six years in a row. Bummer.)

Charlie (Colorado) August 27, 2010 at 9:00 pm





I remember #5 or #6….

Darla Hallmark August 6, 2018 at 2:48 pm

and this one… how many do you have?

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