Worldcon Schedule

by wjw on August 3, 2009

My schedule for Anticipation, the Montreal Worldcon:

When: Thu 14:00
Location: P-513B
Title: Twitter, Facebook, My Space: Social Media and Writing
Session ID: 766
All Participants: James Strauss, Jenny Rae Rappaport, Mary Robinette
Kowal, Walter Jon Williams, John Picacio
Moderator: Mary Robinette Kowal
Description: What’s all the buzz about the new social media? Writing
short-short-short stories on Twitter??? Good grief! Is this networking
or a new way to write? Can tweets and Facebook updates be about more
than what you ate?
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Creative Writing

When: Fri 10:00
Location: P-512AE
Title: Author Reading
Session ID: 232
All Participants: Nancy Kress, Walter Jon Williams
Description: Nancy Kress, Walter Jon Williams.
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Reading

(Note that Nancy and I will be reading in the same room at the same time. Maybe we’ll be reading alternate sections from one another’s works. Who knows?)

When: Fri 21:00
Location: P-522B
Title: Advice for New Writers: Experienced Professionals Tell the
Secrets of Getting Published
Session ID: 764
All Participants: Jenny Rae Rappaport, Lou Anders, Walter Jon
Williams, Stanley Schmidt
Moderator: Yourself
Description: How to get published (not). In a liar’s panel, these
professional writers, editor and agent give a lot of advice. But maybe
new writers should be careful about taking it literally.
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Creative Writing

(If you want to learn the secret handshake that will automatically get your work published, this is the panel for you.)

When: Sat 12:30
Location: P-521B
Title: Walter Jon Williams
Session ID: 1084
All Participants: Walter Jon Williams
Description: A chance to ask one of your favourite authors those
burning questions.
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Kaffeeklatsch

(Hey, I love these! Come and drink caffeinated beverages with me!)

When: Sun 12:30
Location: Other
Title: Walter Jon Williams Signing
Session ID: 1537
All Participants: Walter Jon Williams
Description: Walter Jon Williams Signing
Duration: 0:30 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Autographs

When: Sun 14:00

Location: P-517D
Title: Martial Arts Primer for Writers
Session ID: 928
All Participants: Erick R. Buchanan, Sean McMullen, Walter Jon
Description: A martial arts primer for writers and anyone else;
demonstrations of styles and movement; introduction to words and
Duration: 1:30 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Creative Writing

When: Sun 15:30
Location: P-512CG
Title: The Napoleonic War from Both Sides
Session ID: 932
All Participants: Ben Jeapes, Melinda Snodgrass, Walter Jon Williams
Moderator: Yourself
Description: One of the most important, worldshaping conflicts. A
rich source for both fantasy and science fiction. Our panellists try
to explain it to you.
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Human Culture

(The Napoleonic Wars? Yeah, sure, what the hell. If you can’t tell Davout from d’Enghien without a score card, check this one out!)

Title: The New Space Opera 2
Session ID: 1702
All Participants: Bill Willingham, Cory Doctorow, James Patrick
Kelly, Jay Lake, John C. Wright, Jonathan Strahan, Mike Resnick,
Robert Charles Wilson, Robert Silverberg, Walter Jon Williams, Tom
Clegg, John Scalzi, Peter Watts, Gardner Dozois
Description: Meet the editors and authors of both the first and
second The New
Space Opera anthologies. Jonathan Strahan, Gardner Dozois and Tom
Clegg will attend the entire event and will be available for
autographing. Other New Space Opera writers may drop by
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: Bilingual
Track: Event

(Note: I’ll probably be at this one only for a few minutes, as I have a meeting at 5:30)

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