Adios, the Televisor

by wjw on February 19, 2009

Bruce Sterling’s eulogy for television.

Ralf the Dog February 20, 2009 at 1:54 am

It’s kind of strange. I spent a good part of the day dealing with TV. A “News company” called us up wanting to do a national story on my families company. We had an initial interview with one of the producers. They asked quite a few questions, then said they wanted us to pay quite a bit of money to have the show streamed onto our website.

It turns out they do vanity infomercials that run on CNN Headline late at night. Why could they not just say, “We want Fred Thompson to do an Infomercial for you?” I hate people who waist my time.

Sean Craven February 20, 2009 at 10:57 pm

Isn’t it interesting how as the years go by, Bruce Sterling continues to rise in my estimation?

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