Digging Out

by wjw on July 25, 2008

I’ve been digging out of the pile of work, odd jobs, repairs, and yard work that piled up during our trip out of town.

The only thing that really matters to anyone, including me, is that I’ve revised This is Not a Game and sent the manuscript back to the fine folks at Little, Brown.

More importantly, and certainly more pleasurable, was our celebration of our fourteenth wedding anniversary. We had dinner with friends, and then went on to the theater.

As first marriages go, it seems to be doing rather well.

mindseas July 25, 2008 at 5:09 pm

Happy anniversary!


Anonymous July 25, 2008 at 8:14 pm

The play we saw was I HATE HAMLET.

Walter and I had different memories as to whether we had seen it. He was convinced we had seen it together, and I was convinced I had never seen it.

I told him he must have seen it with one of his other wives.


It’s nice to know he thinks I’m there even when I’m not!

qtera July 30, 2008 at 6:46 am

Hey – You didn’t tell me it was your Anniversary!!! I would have toasted y’all. Well, considered that done now.
Love, Patricia

PS – I loved the play – Thank you Kathy for getting us all to go!

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