Imaginary Dialogues (1)

by wjw on December 4, 2007

This last weekend I helped to test and graduate a few dozen new black belts for my karate school. Some very impressive martial arts were performed— none, it must be admitted, by me.

In addition to the physical aspects of kenpo, our students are required to acquaint themselves with martial arts classics such as Sun Tzu’s Art of War and Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi.

Thinking about which generated the following imaginary dialogue.

SUN TZU: What you fail to understand is that it isn’t all about the killing.

MUSASHI: It damn well is about the killing!

Synova December 5, 2007 at 8:00 am

Heh, I haven’t read Mushashi yet. Now I’m really curious. I think you’ve got the heart of Sun Tzu though The Art of War doesn’t seem to be about the killing at all, really. That there’s an essential tension between the philosophy of the two books is interesting.

What do you think Musashi would think of his thoughts applied to business?

Siristru December 5, 2007 at 1:26 pm

Ah, yes traditional martial arts 🙂 We have them too. They are quite simple – DIE BY THE SWORD! See yourself:

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