Me, Glorious Me

by wjw on September 1, 2006

We pause for a moment of self-glorification.

This news just in:

The Praxis is going into its fourth printing.

The Sundering is in its third.

Conventions of War went into its second printing earlier in the summer.

Holmes, I detect a pattern here.

It’s time to bite the bullet and admit that the series is a success.

Mike September 2, 2006 at 1:20 am

Yea on you! It was a thoroughly enjoyable trilogy, and I’m quite glad to hear it’s been a success for you. Looking forward to whatever’s next.

brad September 2, 2006 at 3:38 am

And volume four?

owen September 2, 2006 at 8:27 am

…now if only the publishers would take notice of the fact and finally commission the fourth!

S.M. Stirling September 2, 2006 at 9:06 pm

wooo-hooo! Great news, Walter!

The Praxis series deserves it. That’s real space opera — McLeod isn’t a patch on it.

HaloJonesFan September 3, 2006 at 4:01 pm

Brad: What volume four? The story’s over…

I’d rather see a third book in the Metropolitan series.

Peter S. September 5, 2006 at 6:03 pm

Hooray! At last! Write more!

Anonymous September 6, 2006 at 2:19 am

I finished the last of the trilogy and am hungry for more. Wish you would write a fourth volume. What happens next Mr. Williams? I would shell out the bucks to learn that. It was easy to get lost in this universe of retro tech spaceships and 1st class dining while fighting a galactic war. I do wish you had given P.J. an end of redemption though. Maybe because you made him more than just a joke as you developed the story. That was just my take on it..I grew to like the guy even though he was a minor character.

dubjay September 6, 2006 at 9:29 pm

I liked PJ, too, but he was doomed from the start. He practically had “Red Shirt” tattooed on his forehead.

He didn’t get a big redemption scene because, well, he had nothing to redeem himself from, as it were. He wasn’t a bad guy who swung to the good, he was a man of weak mind and good instincts who fell in love with the wrong person and who had a lot of other bad luck, but who did his best anyway except that it wasn’t enough and he died.

Would like to write a fourth volume. Would like to write another Metropolitan book, for that matter. Except that in these cases it isn’t Always Up To Me.

(did his best anyway except that it wasn’t enough and he died . . . if you know what I mean)

Coherent September 20, 2006 at 9:22 pm

I didn’t like the ending because the major romance didn’t pan out. I mean, the star-crossed lovers angle was really working on me… and then, nothing happened.

As for sequels, of course there’s room in the series for more. We need to see some kind of representative democracy spring up here! So there’s lots of stuff left to write.

One of the things that always bugs me about series like these (Stirling does it too, in his time travel books) is that the central mysteries of the series are never addressed!

WHY did the Shaa try to stop science in its tracks and say something as B.S. as “Everything important is known”? WHY conquer and attempt to create stasis? What killed them all, anyway?

Most importantly, when will philosophy be reborn (now that the Shaa are all dead) and revive some principles that might lead to true freedom instead of oppression and conformity?

Even if 99.99% of all dissension is dead, there’s still that .001% left. Now that the system has loosened up, there might be room for independent thought to flower in the margins. There should be an intellectual elite who is aware that once things were done differently (on earth) in the name of individual freedom instead of mass oppression.

Yes, I’m aware that humans now are pretty much the dominant spacefaring race now that the Naxids are toast. Bully for the humans, yay. But hey, the prospect of another 1000 years of stagnating space empire until the space-barbarians come along and introduce it into a space-dark-age does not fill me with joy for the future.

Humanity does not bring any special virtues to the table except the lessons that we have learned over our long and painful history: Oppression leads to stagnation, and stagnation leads to death. By barbarian, quite often.

Coherent September 20, 2006 at 9:37 pm

Come to think of it, I would rather see the third book in the Metropolitan series, too. I’ve read and re-read those two books endlessly over the years.

Will Constantine realize that he has to change too, if he is to bring his dreams to life? Aiah graduated from student to master by killing Taikoen the Great, but can she hold the world together long enough for Constantine to come to his senses and repent? They’ve got a dream that’s bigger than the both of them, but dreams don’t count – it’s execution that matters.

So anyway, eagerly awaiting the rest of THAT story.

Kelly September 27, 2006 at 4:32 pm

Congratulations! They are excellent books, and certainly deserve a the widest possible audience.

I always look forward to your books, and would be very happy to read more in this series.

Dave August 8, 2007 at 4:59 pm

I too, pine for our star-crossed lovers, I have paid for your works, and I, too wish for a fourth book… Tork’s ascension and love’s fall… leaves me in turns hopefull… and broken.

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